In Hay Day, what is the best way to raise crops and livestock?

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In Hay Day, only by rationally planning the planting cycle and feeding time, and timely harvesting and feeding, can we ensure the efficient production and healthy growth of crops and livestock.

Hay Day is a simulation game. Players will experience a fun farm life here, where they can grow a variety of crops, raise animals, make goods, and trade with other players. The game screen is fresh and cute, and the gameplay is simple and easy to use, but it is full of strategy and challenges. By continuously developing the farm, players can also unlock more buildings and decorations to create their dream farm. If you also want to unlock your farm paradise, mmowow accounts can help you.

In Hay Day, the following are some crops and livestock suitable for planting and breeding:


1. Wheat: It has a short maturity time and is the basic raw material for many products, with a large demand.

2. Corn: It grows faster and is often used in feed production and order requirements.

3. Carrots: It has a moderate growth cycle and is also a common order item.

4. Strawberries: It has a high income and a large market demand.

5. Sugarcane: It is used to make products such as sucrose and has a good value.


1. Chickens: They lay eggs faster and eggs are widely used.
2. Cows: Milk is a common processing raw material and is in high demand.
3. Sheep: Wool can be used to make a variety of items.

In Hay Day, the following crops and livestock are relatively profitable:


1. Blueberries: take longer to mature, but sell at a higher price.

2. Pumpkins: have a good price and are in high demand in some orders.

3. Peppers: have a high market value.


1. Pigs: Pork and related products often sell for a good price in the market.

However, the profitability of crops and livestock can also be affected by market supply and demand, order demand, and your processing and sales strategies. Sometimes, processing primary products into higher-level commodities and then selling them may bring higher profits.

In Hay Day, you can refer to the following methods to properly arrange the time for planting and breeding:

First, it is important to understand the growth and production cycle of different crops and animals.

For planting, classify crops according to their maturity time. For example, arrange to plant crops such as wheat and corn that mature in a short time during the period when you expect to be online frequently so that you can harvest them in time and avoid crop withering and waste. For crops that mature for a long time, such as strawberries and pumpkins, you can plant them before you go to bed or when you expect to be offline for a long time.

At the same time, consider the order demand and processing demand to plan the planting quantity. If there is a large demand for a certain crop in recent orders, plant more appropriately.

For breeding, animals with a short production cycle such as chickens and sheep can arrange more production during the day. Animals with a long production cycle such as cows and pigs can start production before going to bed at night so that they can be harvested the next morning.

In addition, it is also critical to arrange planting and breeding in combination with activities and tasks in the game. If there is an activity that requires a large amount of specific crops or animal products, concentrate on producing related items in advance.

You can also make good use of the storage capacity of granaries and feed warehouses to avoid wasting time because the warehouse is full and cannot be harvested.

To rationally plan the space for planting and breeding on Hay Day, you can consider the following aspects:

1. Functional zoning

- Separate the planting area from the breeding area to make different types of production areas clear and easy to manage and operate.

- For example, the planting area can be divided into short-term crop area, long-term crop area fruit tree area, etc.

2. Layout according to production cycle

- Plant crops with short production cycles and frequent harvests (such as wheat and corn) near warehouses and processing facilities for quick collection and processing.

- Crops with long production cycles (such as sugarcane and cotton) can be arranged a little further away.

3. Consider animal needs

- Reserve enough space for animals to move around to avoid overcrowding that affects production efficiency.

- Place feed production facilities close to the breeding area to reduce the time and cost of feed transportation.

4. Reserve space for expansion

- Reserve a certain amount of open space for possible new crops or animals in the future so that they can be put into use quickly when needed without large-scale layout adjustments.

5. Road planning

- Set up roads reasonably to ensure smooth access to various planting and breeding areas and improve operational efficiency.

6. Combined with landscape

- Some decorative elements such as trees and flower beds can be arranged around the planting and breeding areas, which are both beautiful and can increase the value of the farm.

7. Warehouse location

- The warehouse should be located in a central location so that items collected from various planting and breeding areas can be easily stored.

8. Processing facility layout

- Place processing facilities in one area and close to the production area of ​​raw materials to reduce time waste during transportation.

Through the above comprehensive considerations, the spatial planning of planting and breeding can be made more reasonable and efficient, and the operational efficiency and aesthetics of the farm can be improved. Seeing this, what are you waiting for? Come to hay day diamonds top up and participate!
