What do sex dolls mean to men?

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In modern society, most divorced men and single men long for the company of women. However, due to the awakening of female consciousness, it is not easy for more and more men to get a woman. Then the development of sexual play has given many men many opportunities. Let the seller make a se

During the colonial expansion in the Middle Ages, Western sailors created the Age of Discovery. In addition to facing the unknown fear from the rough ocean waves, the shortage of food and fresh water, and the poor sanitary environment, they also have to face long-term loneliness and coldness. After all, at that time, almost no women would sail with the ship. If the sailors' sexual desire problem was not solved well, it would affect the harmonious development of the entire fleet. However, this did not stop the resourceful sailors. A general sailing fleet often brings a "sailing lady", a "lady" made of rags and old clothes, which is often shared by multiple sailors. It is said that when the French philosopher Descartes went to Sweden in the mid-17th century, he took a "lady" made of metal and leather with him. Human beings have a very long history in making "sex partners". Let's look at modern life. Although many people are on land, they actually live like medieval sailors, relying on the "lady" they made. However, with the development of science and technology, the "ladies" are becoming more and more realistic. They are no longer the crude products made of old clothes and rags in the 18th century. They are also getting closer to real people both visually and tactilely.

Researchers found that men who own sex dolls tend to be older and more likely to be separated or divorced. They generally believe that it is very difficult to understand women. In addition, sex doll owners emphasize that they respect sexual power and have less desire to engage in aggressive behavior toward women. Overall, they are even more emotionally stable than non-owners. Personality differences between the two groups were minor, with the main difference being in romantic experiences. Owners of full size sex dolls are often "unlucky in love" and have difficulty finding long-term partners, fearing the emotional damage they can cause, so they turn to sex dolls as their safe choice. All in all, the data shows that this is a group of men with a relatively positive mentality, who currently do not have a romantic partner, but who need sexual release.

  The impact of sex dolls on men's mental health is actually a more controversial issue. In fact, the experiment did not mention whether men would extend their sex doll habits to real life if they interacted with human lovers in the future, such as the mentality of "only satisfying themselves, not their partners." But then again, in reality, many men are very selfish when it comes to sex. Even if they have not used sex dolls, they will still have this mentality. As for whether sex dolls influence men to view women as sexual objects for whatever they want, sociological research today generally agrees that when pornography is legal, sexual assault rates decrease in a given country or region. The same seems to be true of sex doll ownership, which provides a safe outlet for men who are having trouble with relationships. For example, if a man has just lost his love but is not ready to continue his emotional life, a sex doll can provide him with a buffer period for sexual venting. Current research shows that the only difference between men with and without sex dolls is whether they have a sexual partner when they want to vent their sexual desires.
Many men now choose smart robot sex dolls. This is because robot sex dolls have more functions and are more like humans, giving men more challenges.
After many people own sex dolls, they hope to keep them for a long time, so how to clean sex dolls is very important, which determines the lifespan of the sex doll and the experience of each use.
